An illustration for a client's nieces, done in a watercolour cartoonish style. December 2023.  
Illustrations created for a client that wanted land and sea posters inspired by Malta. 2023. 
A portrait created for a client that wanted an illustration of his sister-in-law as a mermaid with astrological elements added to it. December 2023. 
The logo created for Occupy Justice Malta, to showcase Daphne Caruana Galizia, 6 years after her assassination for the annual protest. October 2023. 
An illustration of a beloved pet dog for a client. December 2023
Portraits made for fun, for myself and my sister. 2022. 
A self-portait of sorts, integrating elements of collage and text. 2023. 
A commission created for a client that wanted to gift an illustration of the place she first met her boyfriend. 2023. 
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